Showing posts with label oils. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oils. Show all posts

Wednesday 22 January 2020

Avon UK Man of the Week: Paul Bond

Man of the Week: Paul Bond Avon

Beauty Entrepreneur, UK

Sales Leader Paul Bond is a star in all senses. As a guitarist in the band Red Box, he has had hits across the world. While his music career is still going strong, Paul also wanted a flexible earnings opportunity that he could make work with his musician’s lifestyle.
He was introduced to Avon by sales leaders Howard and Jane Philpott who showed Paul the earning potential and how it could make it work for him and his family. The timing was perfect, as he had just started a master’s degree in the same week that he joined Avon, so his Avon business supported Paul through his studies.

In his first few weeks, Paul focused on growing his online business quickly, and huge sales through his online store led to him achieving Silver Plus President’s Club level in just six weeks (an accolade most aim for across the whole year). As a result of this, he went on to receive the Direct Sellers Association ’Star of the Year’ award in 2017 which is open to half a million direct sellers in the UK.
Now a sales leader himself, he has a team of Representatives working with him and enjoys helping other people to succeed in their business. One of Paul’s favourite quotes is: “I’m working full time on my income and part-time on my fortune.” His goals for this year is to work Avon full-time.
He says:
“We can all make the Avon opportunity work around or lifestyles, as there are so many ways of earning! On a personal level, the income allows me to spend more time with my family and recording loud guitars in my studio.”
His advice to Representatives just starting on their Avon journey is to keep the faith. He adds:
“For some, it can take a little while to grow a list of regular ordering customers, but you will get there. Don’t simply ‘dip your foot into the water’. If you want to earn a significant income from your Avon business, then treat it like a business.”

“We can all make the Avon opportunity work around or lifestyles, as there are so many ways of earning! ”

Saturday 11 January 2020

More Ways You Can Update Your Beauty Routine for Autumn & Winter Avon

5 Ways You Can Update Your Beauty Routine for Autumn & Winter

Summer is officially over. The days are getting shorter, the evenings darker and we’re starting to dig out our woolly jumpers. But as we update our wardrobe, we should also be taking time to update our beauty routine too. From skincare to haircare, follow our 5 easy steps to matching your beauty routine to the changing seasons.


With humidity decreasing and drying influences such as central heating on the up, your skin is likely to feel dried out. And that’s why it’s important to keep your face, lips and skin hydrated throughout the cooler months.
Start with our skincare, introducing moisturisers and serums that include moisture-locking ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and glycerine.
For your lips, find a hydrating lip balm that contains natural butters and oils, such as almond oil, shea butter and vitamin E. These will keep your lips moisturised, but also protect against any external factors.


Like your skincare, it makes sense to upgrade your make-up routine to one that’s all about hydration. A simple way of doing this is by swapping out your powered make-up for creams and gels. From liquid eyeliners to cream blushers – they feel so much softer on your skin during the cooler months and will leave your skin looking dewy.


Cleansers can strip away your skin’s natural oils, leaving your skin to feel dry and tight. That’s why it’s good to use a gentle cleanser throughout autumn and winter; a face wash that not only cleanses away impurities but keeps your skin healthy.
A great alternative is an oil-infused micellar water, this type of cleanser not only removes your make-up, it’s also super-nourishing, leaving you with super-soft skin.
If you want to avoid oil-based products, then cleansers containing vitamin-E or rose essence always work perfectly with sensitive skin.


It might not be warm, but the sun’s rays can still cause damage throughout autumn and winter. To keep your skin safe, we’d always recommend using an SPF sunscreen or moisturiser as part of your autumn/winter skincare routine.
From low SPF10 to high SPF30, by protecting your skin you will help to reduce fine lines, wrinkles and discolouration. It’ll also help to protect you from the effects of skin cancer, so why wouldn’t you use it?


First of all, avoid hot water. No matter how tempting it is to dive under a hot shower, you should always keep the temperature at a nice medium. Not only will the hot water dry out your skin, it can also damage your scalp and hair, stripping it of its natural oils and leaving it dry and frizzy.
Secondly, keep your hair protected from heated styling with nourishing hair serums and treatments.
Not sure where to start? Try looking out for ingredients such as argan and coconut oil. These lock in your hair’s moisture, acting as a barrier to heat.
Ready to face the changing seasons head on? From keeping your skin hydrated to taming that mane, we hope our guide to updating your beauty routine for autumn and winter has you prepped and ready for the cooler months ahead. 
Discover our full collection of autumn and winter beauty products today.
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